We had a booth at the 2009 Home Life Show put on by the Hanover and Lebanon City Chambers of Commerce. The Home Show took course from Friday March 27th through Sunday March 29th. We had the 99Rock booth manned for everyone hour of the Home Show, which totaled 22hours of open doors to the public. The highlight of the show was our drawing for a brand new Guild guitar donated by Blue Mountain Guitar Center that had a retail value of over $2,200. We gave away countless new CD's and 99Rock t-shirts (only listeners got t-shirts...our common test was asking them if they knew any of our jocks). Overall it was a good event that gave us more exposure to the Upper Valley community and Dartmouth Community.
Click on pictures to view full size (a bit more interesting)
The majority of the crew
(far left Julie Kaye, out-going GM Pavel Satskov '09 in grey hoodie, Chris Garrett in red shirt and no hair, Heath Cole on far right side in white pants... along with several 99 ROck jocks in the background)
The guys playing Rock Band on the XBox 360
(pictured from left to right
Social Director Phil 'CheeseSteak' Aubart '10, General Manager Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10, Training Director Shinian 'Shin' Ye '10 and our newest on air talent Mayuki Shimizo '12
(pictured from left to right
Social Director Phil 'CheeseSteak' Aubart '10, General Manager Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10, Training Director Shinian 'Shin' Ye '10 and our newest on air talent Mayuki Shimizo '12
CheeseSteak and Mayuki hanging out
Who said Mornings and Afternoons can't get along?
Chris Garrett (Mornings) left and Sketch (Afternoons) sharing a smile.
The guys playing games
Production Director Matt Knight '11 entertaining a young listener with the Guild guitar we gave away on the Rock and Go Morning Show.
Mayuki and CheeseSteak proudly displaying the plaque given to us at the Home Show by Bear Ridge Speadway in gratitude for our work done the year prior...
Chris Garrett getting a free facial
By General Manager Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10