DCR Renovation

Posted by Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10 On July - 28th - 2009

There has been a recent resurgence of interest in repairing damaged equipment in the WebDCR. This effort has been kept alive through recent donations of used equipment secured by alumni. Also, former past Dartmouth Broadcasting GM, George Whitehead has donated his time in teaching current students essential technical skills.

Third Annual Halloween Community Festival

Posted by Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10 On November - 17 - 2009

The street Team helped give back this Halloween by passing out candy to local youth along side the Greek community.

4 Remotes, One Weekend

Posted by Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10 On May - 30th - 2009

We had a really busy weekend. Please click on link to read more.

Fall Philanthropy

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Sunday, December 27, 2009 0 comments
Dartmouth Broadcasting had an active fall term contributing to three worthy causes; The Friends of Veterans of Vermont and New Hampshire, the Upper Valley Haven and Toys for Tots.

Through WFRD's connection with a local public access television show, 'Walking Through Life with Linda Carbino,' the station became involved with a benefit talent show that had all proceeds going towards the Friends of Veterans of Vermont and New Hampshire. The promotion of the talent show including six weeks of donated advertisements created by the staff of 99Rock and also three pro bono public appearances by WFRD Program Director David Lumbert '12 and General Manager Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10. Both Lumbert and Evans served as two of the three judges for the talent show.

Dartmouth Broadcasting continued to give back in the month of November and held the 'Hogs Against Hunger Food Drive' at Granite State Harley Davidson. We are pleased to announce that we were able to fill up an entire car full of food for the Upper Valley Haven. The food drive included a full advertising campaign and three days of live remotes from Granite State Harley Davidson. Thank you to all of those who supported our effort!

We are proud to announce that 99Rock was this year's official radio station for Toys For Tots of the Upper Valley. We spent the entire months of November and December promoting the toy donations over the 99Rock airwaves. We had several appearances promoting toy drop offs including on at Mascoma Savings Bank in West Lebanon on December 17th. Toys for Tots of the Upper Valley brought in a total of 4,865 toys for local children!

By Schuyler Evans '10
General Manager
Dartmouth Broadcasting
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NHAB Golden Mic Awards for 2009

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Friday, November 13, 2009 0 comments
We are extremely proud to announce that WFRD was honored this year at the New Hampshire Association of Broadcaster's Golden Mic Award Ceremony this year. Dartmouth Broadcasting took home a Golden Mic Merit Award for 'Public Service Campaign of the Year' for our promotion of the Relay for Life at Dartmouth this past spring. It was an exciting night and station leaders including Operations Manager Heath Cole, WFRD Program Director David Lumbert '12, News Director Madison Rezaei '12 and General Manager Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10 all traveled to Concord together for the ceremonies. The handsome is currently resting on the fireplace mantle in the business office of the Dartmouth Broadcasting studios.

The whole crew standing with Miss New Hampshire before the award ceremony. (From Left) Madison Rezaei '12, Heath Cole (red shirt), David Lumbert '12, Miss NH Lindsey Graham and Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10.

The Award safe and sound back home.

By Schuyler Evans '10
General Manager
Dartmouth Broadcasting
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3rd Annual Halloween Community Festival

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Tuesday, November 03, 2009 0 comments
Dartmouth Broadcasting spent the 2009 Halloween afternoon on the front lawn of Tri-Kap for the 3rd Annual Halloween Community Festival. It was a good time and we gave away a huge bowl full of candy to Upper Valley youth.

We made it onto the Tri-Kap flyer!

Here is our general set-up

From left to right- Jeff Ledolter '13, Madison Rezaei '12 and Shirine Sajjadi '11

Shirine handing out Candy

Shirine with her official 99Rock Tattoo

Madison dealing candy

Spider Man decided to visit as well!

Cute photo
by Schuyler Evans '10
General Manager, DB
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Homecoming 2009

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Wednesday, October 28, 2009 0 comments
When you walk into the Dartmouth Broadcasting lobby, you will notice (hopefully) some of our archival photos on the wall. One of my favorites has to be the a picture of WDCR at the construction of the Bonfire in the late 1950's. It is reassuring to know that we are still being asked by the Bonfire Committee to come out to the Green during the construction of the bonfire and play music. Of course the safety standards standards have been raised quite a bit over the years; the Dartmouth Emergency Medical Services tent is sitting directly to the right of our tent.

By Schuyler Evans '10
General Manager, Dartmouth Broadcasting
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Recruitment 2009

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Saturday, October 03, 2009 0 comments
Dartmouth Broadcasting focused a great deal of attention and energy towards recruitment this fall. The first two weeks of the fall came as the fulfillment and expression of months of planning. The majority of our biggest recruitment events fell between Monday September 14th and September 25th. On September 14th we were on the Dartmouth Green playing music and giving away promotional vitamin water for Capture the Mellon which was essentially a gigantic game of capture the flag. Between 1-4 we gave away nearly 200 hand sized bottles of Vitamin water and countless CD's. This event, along with the Dartmouth College Athletic Department Open House BBQ on Friday September 19th and the Friday Night Out remote later that night served as our main auxiliary events leading to our Open House on September 20th. Our Open House was really successful and we had a great turnout of people who wanted to get involved with the station. Along with the vast majority of the Dartmouth Broadcasting leadership attending the Open House, we had a past GM, George Whitehead '61, Th '62 at our Open House. It was obvious by '13's reactions to George that they were impressed that someone was still passionate about DB over 50 years since their freshman orientation.

Recruitment and retention of students within the organization of course can present themselves as cumulative causation situations that feedback into themselves... either towards the positive or negative. Thankfully for Dartmouth Broadcasting, I think that we have positive momentum. This momentum that eventually translated into an explosion of recruitment this fall. We have recruited roughly 60 people over the course of the past six weeks. Of course all of these new people have to be trained and brought into the fold which has been a great deal of work as well.

The Directorate eating dinner before the rush of Freshman at the DCAD BBQ

It is amazing to me that over half of the '13s in this picture are currently involved in the station. It will be interesting to see if some of these new people will one day become leaders at the station.

Here are some examples of our Recruitment Posters...

By Schuyler Evans '10
General Manager, Dartmouth Broadcasting
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Squeezebox Article

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Tuesday, September 01, 2009 0 comments
The good people who write for Squeesebox, Dartmouth's only music centered magazine, featured Dartmouth Broadcasting in the Summer 2009 Issue. If you would like to read the article, please click on the photo below.

The Cover, with Dartmouth Broadcasting front and center

We occupied two pages directly in the center of the issue.

By Schuyler Evans '10
General Manager, Dartmouth Broadcasting
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Fieldstock 2009

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Sunday, August 09, 2009 0 comments
99Rock spent two days DJing at Fieldstock over the weekend of August 8th and 9th. Friday night DJ Chris Bp entertained a crowd of students competed in Coolaid Boat Races and balloon tosses. Then on Saturday, Chris BP and the rest of the Street Team spent their day on the Green between 1 and 6pm. Click on the video below to see BP dj.

BP showing GM Schuyler Sketch Evans some tips for Djing.

A crowd with 99Rock in the background.

DJ Chris BP on Friday.

By General Manager, Schuyler Evans
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Homebrew Summer 2009

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Saturday, August 01, 2009 0 comments
99Rock's preeminent Homebrew Host, Social Director Phil Aubart '10 is off this term at Officer Candidate School. In his stead, Maia Pfeffer '11 along with her weekly show on WebDCR titled 'Truffle Shuffle' with Micky Teng '11 which has its own blog, truffleshuffleradio.blogspot.com, has taken over Homebrew each Sunday night on 99Rock between 8 and 10pm. She has been doing a great job this term ensuring that each Homebrew show has a half an hour interview with local artist. The thirty minutes is a mixture of dialogue and music from the various artists.

Maia with WazWarpt

The men of Hexerei lifting up Maia after their interview

New York band, Sin City with Maia

Maia with From Empire to Ruin
By Schuyler Evans
General Manager
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North Haverhill Fair

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Saturday, August 01, 2009 0 comments
99Rock spent two afternoons at the North Haverhill Fair on July 23rd and July 24th. On Thursday, Chris Garrett and General Manager Schuyler Evans '10 hosted aGuitar Hero Championship from 5 to about 10pm. The following day, there was a larger Street Team consisting of Zack Mason '10, WebDCR PD Shirine Sajjadi '11, Homebrew Host Maia Pfeffer '11, Chris Garrett and Sketch. Chris was set up at the remote by 5pm and the students came in a second car. The remote concluded when the Street Team introduced John Cafferty and the Beaver Brown Band at 8:30pm.

Maia hanging out at the Homebrew soda fountain. She hosts 99Rock's Homebrew every Sunday night from 8pm to 10pm.

Maia and Zach hanging out with the mother pigie and piglets.

The legendary Upper Valley Paparrazi struck while Sketch was eating by himself on some bleachers. A listener snapped the picture, emailed it to Chris and the staff created this banner which was sitting on the wfrd.com homepage for several days... Sketch never knew what hit him.

By Schuyler Evans '10
Genearl Manager
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Photos from the past few months

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Friday, July 31, 2009 0 comments
We recently fired up the station camera and found some really interesting photos from the past few months...

Technical Director Tony Quincy '11 and General Manager Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10 saw Kevin James at a World Championship Fighting event we were attending... James' body guard did not want James to take the picture with Tony and Sketch but James allowed them to take the shot. So go see Mall Cop!

Tony posing with Rich Gannon, the Bostonian police officer who defeated Kimbo Slice in a bare knuckle fight. Mr. Gannon is currently one of the fighters in the new hit video game on X-Box 360, UFC UNDISPUTED.

Tony studying in the jock lounge.

Operations Manager Heath Cole and Sketch exchanging glances in the Production Studio.

By Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10
General Manager
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New DCR Logo!

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Wednesday, July 29, 2009 0 comments
Since DCR's transition from a terrestrial AM signal to a purely web based platform, we have been working a new logo for DCR that reflects that transition. All of our old logos showcased 1340 which has become irrelevant. Part of our update of DCR has been a transition away from WDCR, to either calling the station DCR or WebDCR. Our Internet Director Ricky Melgares '11 created this logo with the intent of it being stylish, modern, expanding our new WebDCR brand and also reinforcing that DCR is still Dartmouth College's Official college radio station. Differentiating between DCR and FRD has been a part of our larger goal; branding Dartmouth Broadcasting as a multi-faceted student run business that has educational components.

By Schuyler Evans '10
General Manager, Dartmouth Broadcasting
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WebDCR Renovation

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Wednesday, July 29, 2009 0 comments
The last few weeks have been a very exciting time for DCR from a technical standpoint. We have actually begun addressing problems with the WebDCR studio that have been present since at least the fall of '06. There have been several key factors that have lead to movement on the technical front. The first namely being two substantial equipment donations, the first being a Broadcast Audio console coming from Cox Radio (as secured by past GM Eric McDonald '04). Operations Heath Cole and General Manager Schuyler 'Sketch' Evans '10 drove down to Connecticut to pick up the board from Eric's stations and took a tour of his facilities. It was a very exciting and long day. On the way home Heath and Sketch were hit with perhaps the worst downpour coming up 91 that either of them had ever seen (One car did not make it and the front was all smashed in). The second being a very well maintained Auditronics board, in fact, the same model as the boards sitting in WebDCR and the FM Studio. George Whitehead Dartmouth '61, Thayer '62 was able to get us the Auditronics board from NHPR due to his close connections with that station. George has come up to the stations multiple times from his home across the state in order to trouble shoot and give WebDCR the tender loving care that it really needs. Not only has he been working on the studios, he has also been working with students and imparting valuable knowledge to such interested students as Technical Director Tony Quincy '11 and WebDCR Program Director Shirine Sajjadi '11.

George Whitehead showing Tony Quincy and Shirine Sajjadi a few things concerning repairing and maintaining consoles.

Good God Man! I believe Heath Cole has scene the Ghost of Radio Past!

Tony Qunicy doing a little soldering work on the Broadcast Audio Board...

Heath Cole and George Whitehead hefting the new board

Heath Cole standing with the NHPR board

By Schuyler Evans '10
General Manager, Dartmouth Broadcasting.
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President Wright in the studios of Dartmouth Broadcasting

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Sunday, July 26, 2009 1 comments
Dartmouth Broadcasting was fortunate enough to book President Wright for 30 minutes for a tour of the stations and an interview on our weekly public affairs show, The Weekly Debriefing. He came to the studios June 4th, before the transition to now President Kim. News Director Madison Rezaei '12 conducted the interview.

Here is General Manager Schuyler Evans '10 presenting President Wright with a commermorative WDCR 50th Anniversary Oxford.

President Wright in the WFRD Studios.

President Wright checking out the 'jock lounge

President Wright entering our Production Studio for his interview with News Director Madison Rezaei '12. You can see the back of Madison's head to the left.

President Wright interviewing with Madison for a portion of WFRD's weekly public affairs show, The Weekly Debriefing.

By Schuyler Evans '10
General Manager, Dartmouth Broadcasting
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2008-2009 Dartmouth Men's Hockey Season Overview

Posted by Dartmouth Broadcasting On Sunday, July 26, 2009 0 comments
Dartmouth Broadcasting's 2008-2009 Sports Director, Jeremy Seidling '09 recently put together the following summary of the 2008-2009 Dartmouth Men's Hockey Season. He was a major part of the Dartmouth Sports Network and was one of our two main student broadcasters during the 2008-2009 season along with past Marketing Director Andy Sloan '09. While Jeremy and Andy called color, our WFRD Morning Host Chris Garrett was our play by play announcer.

Jeremy Seidling '09

Andy Sloan '09

Chris Garrett

Please click on the podbean player to listen to the file. We hope that in the future all of our major sports covered by the Dartmouth Sports Network will be summarized in a similar fashion. For more details on the Dartmouth Sports Network, visit www.dartmouthsportsnetwork.com.

By Schuyler Evans
Dartmouth Broadcasting General Manager
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